What We Do

We build and support successful partnerships between Manufacturers/Rights holders and Distributors/Wholesalers as well as developers of new products and technologies. Helping innovative products maximize their potential.

Manufacturers/Rights Holders

Poort represents portfolio’s of products across multiple therapeutic areas, successfully connecting products with buyers across key global markets.

Contact Us
if you are looking to gain access to new markets for your product.


Our portfolio of products is constantly evolving through our close relationships with Manufacturers and Rights Holders.

Contact Us
to expand your portfolio and offer innovative products for the markets you serve.

Therapeutic Areas

Ophthalmology, Gastro-Metabolism, Paediatry, OTC-Pharmacy, Respiratory-Allergy, Gynecology-Urology, Dermatology, Oncology-CNS-Pallatative Care

Our portfolio is constantly evolving. We are regularly adding innovative products or medical devices in existing or new therapeutic areas.

Contact Us
to find out more details about our current portfolio.

About us

Poort AG is a Swiss independent consultancy and distribution organization supporting healthcare companies with business development services across our markets of expertise, Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Founded in 2016, with long standing expertise in the pharmaceutical and bio-technology sector, we are constantly evolving our portfolio of innovative products and devices for which we find strategic and rewarding partnerships in existing or new markets.

Poort is committed to supporting successful business growth for our partners whilst reaching more patients in more markets with innovative and necessary healthcare products.